Topo GPS manual iOS¶
The manual of the topographic maps navigation app Topo GPS for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. The complete manual can also be downloaded in PDF format.
The Topo GPS app can be installed for free from the AppStore.
There is also an Android version of the Topo GPS manual.
- Main screen
- Maps
- Waypoints
- Loading waypoints
- Removing waypoints from the map
- Creating waypoints
- Waypoint details
- Waypoint quick actions
- Editing waypoints
- Removing waypoints
- Selecting waypoints
- Waypoint icons
- Organizing waypoints
- Searching waypoints
- Exporting waypoints
- Importing waypoints
- Synchronizing routes and waypoints with iCloud
- Routes
- Routes pop-up
- Loading routes
- Removing routes from map
- Recording routes
- Planning routes
- Generating routes
- Route details
- Downloading map tiles of a route
- Route profiles
- Editing routes
- Extending a route
- Shortening a route
- Editing route track
- Merging routes
- Removing routes
- Selecting routes
- Searching routes
- Organizing routes
- Importing routes
- Exporting routes
- Sharing routes with Topo GPS
- Synchronizing routes and waypoints with iCloud
- Layers
- Searching addresses and places
- Coordinates
- Camera
- Compass direction
- Measuring distances and angles
- Settings
- Miscellaneous