Merging routes

Merging routes means combining two or more routes into a new route. For example if you have multiple parts of a trail, you might want to combine them into a single route.

The easiest way to merge routes is to go to the saved routes screen. There select the required routes. Then tap the ‘More’ icon in the bottom of the screen and choose ‘Merge into new route’. A pop-up will be shown in which you can enter a title for the merged route. If you press ‘Save’ you will be shown the details of the merged route.

After merging routes, it could sometimes be useful to split the route into parts in a way that you can determine.

Merging using route planner

As an alternative you can also merge routes using the route planner. Open the route planner, reset the route planner and then tap the ‘More’ icon in the planner overlay. Here choose ‘Add route’. The saved routes screen will be shown. Tap the desired route and choose ‘Join to planner’. Repeat the previous step to add more routes to the planner.

If you press ‘Save’ in the route planner window, the saved route will be the combination of all added routes.