Single tap zoom in/out

In Topo GPS you can zoom the map in or out with a single tap on the map screen. By default, tapping on the bottom is zooming in, tapping on the top is zooming out.

In the section ‘Single tap zoom/in out’ of the settings you can control the behavior of the single tap zoom.

You can choose between the following options:

  • Bottom / Top - Tapping on the bottom is zooming in, tapping on the top is zooming out.

  • Top / Bottom - Tapping on the top is zooming in, tapping on the bottom is zooming out.

  • Left / Right - Tapping on the left is zooming in, tapping on the right is zooming out.

  • Right / Left - Tapping on the right is zooming in, tapping on the left is zooming out.